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Dune's Golf Course

6464 W. Empire Hwy (M-72)
Empire, MI, MI  49630

Trail Length: Ski your own trail
Groomed Classic? No
Groomed Skating? No
Lighted? No
Snowmaking? No
Trail fee? No
Ski rentals? No

Getting there: The Dunes Golf Club is located in Leelanau County on M-72, 18 miles west of Traverse City.

Directions to get there: Yes

What's there: The Dune's Golf Course is near Empire, MI. It's the desperation course for me when there isn't enough  snow to go out on the normal areas around here. Quite a few skiers use this area throughout the winter. It has 18 fairways with nice rolling terrain. The grass they have planted there allows the snow to sit on top and it lasts pretty long even when it gets over 32f. We have been bugging the owner to groom a loop trail with no far. -Kevin Kelly.

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