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RESCHEDULED FOR FEB 25! 2018 Pennsylvania Nordic Championships

9:00 AM
Wilderness Lodge, Wattsburg, PA

Regrettably, PACCSA has been forced to postpone this weekend's Pennsylvania Nordic Championship Races until the official makeup date of Sunday, February 25th, 2018.

While we had hoped that the surprise snowfall that occurred earlier this week would be enough to carry us through the weekend, that didn't happen. As of last night, the snow base in the fields remained in good shape. However, overnight temperatures at Wilderness were much higher than predicted, with enough wind to cause significant snow melt. As a result, the fields, including the start/finish area, no longer have adequate snow to hold a safe and competitive event. PACCSA apologizes for this inconvenience and hopes everyone will join us on the February 25th makeup date.

The Pennsylvania Nordic Championships will be held at Wilderness Lodge in Wattsburg, PA, on Sunday, February 4th, 2018 between 9 AM and 12 PM. There are events for everyone, including kids races, classic races, and skate races. The reserve date is February 25.

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